What’s New in WordPress 6.0

New and Improved Full Site Editing

Earlier, WordPress introduced a block-based theme editor as part of the new Full Site Editing experience in WordPress 5.9.

WordPress 6.0 brings more improvements to the full site editing feature with new site-wide blocks, editable templates, and more patterns.

Note: You’ll need a theme that supports full-site editing, such as the default Twenty-Twenty theme, to try all its features. Full-site editing is still in beta and needs more work to compete with custom theme builder solutions.

Easily Switch Theme Styles

WordPress 6.0 comes with an easy way to switch your entire theme style with a single click.

Click on the Style button at the top right corner and then switch to the Browse Styles tab to see available styles for your theme.

Browse and switch styles in WordPress 6.0

Theme styles is a WordPress theme feature and its availability depends on your WordPress theme.

Edit More Theme Templates with WordPress 6.0

WordPress 6.0 brings the ability to edit even more templates inside the theme editor.

Edit more templates in WordPress 6.0

The new archive templates that you can edit include:

  • Author
  • Category
  • Date
  • Tag
  • Other custom taxonomies

Export Your Block Theme with All The Changes

WordPress 6.0 now allows you to save and export all the changes you made to your block theme.

Export block theme

WordPress will prepare a theme zip file that includes all the changes you made using the full site editor. You can then download and install that theme on any other WordPress website.

New Blocks in Block Theme Editor

WordPress 6.0 brings many new blocks that you can now use inside the theme editor.

1. Comment Query Loop

WordPress 6.0 replaces the Post Comments block with the new Comment Query Loop block.

It comes with sub-blocks like comment author name, avatar, comment content, edit link, and more. You can edit them individually to style your comments on your WordPress blog for a more engaging experience.

Comment Query Loop block in WordPress 6.0

2. Read More Block

You can now add a Read More block to your post excerpts in WordPress 6.0. This allows you to apply more styling options to make the Read More link more noticeable.

Read more block

3. No Results in Query Loop

When adding a Query Loop block, you can now insert the No Results block inside it.

However, the block will only be available when your selected query doesn’t have any results.

No results block for the query loop

4. Post Author Biography

The new post author biography block can now be used along with Post Author and Avatar blocks.

Add post author biography

5. Avatar

The avatar block allows you to display a user’s Avatar (profile photo). You can choose if you want to display the Avatar for a specific user or display the current post/page author’s avatar.

Avatar block

Choose a Page Pattern

Your WordPress theme can now include patterns for must-have pages for most websites.

This means that with WordPress 6.0 the ‘Add New Page’ screen will now bring up a popup with a list of patterns you can use to create pages.

Choose a pattern to create a page

Since it is a brand new feature, your WordPress theme may not yet include any page patterns. In that case, you’ll not be able to see the popup.

However, you can still use the patterns library to find and add patterns for the page you want to create.

Block Editor Changes in WordPress 6.0

The block editor is the area where most WordPress users spend much of their time writing content and creating pages for their websites.

Each WordPress release builds upon that to improve the writing and content creation experience for WordPress users.

WordPress 6.0 includes some really cool features that can greatly improve the way you work on your website.

Block Locking in WordPress 6.0

WordPress 6.0 now allows you to lock a block to prevent users from removing it or changing its position.

Block locking in WordPress 6.0

A major pain point with the reusable blocks is that if any user makes changes to them, then those changes are saved. Block locking in WordPress 6.0 doesn’t solve that issue at the moment.

Easier Text Selection in Multiple Blocks

Earlier it was quite difficult for users to select the text between multiple WordPress blocks.

Selecting text across multiple blocks in WordPress 5.9

WordPress 6.0 now makes it super easy to select text and move the selection cursor across the blocks more smoothly.

Selecting text across multiple blocks in WordPress 6.0

Responsive Group and Row Blocks

With WordPress 6.0, you can choose how you want blocks to behave on different screen sizes.

For group blocks, you’ll see the option to display the blocks inside as a row or a stack.

Responsive group blocks

You can also select multiple blocks and then choose between a row or a stack layout.

Multi block row or stack layout

Miscellaneous Block Editor Enhancements

Following are a few more enhancements in the block editor that you’ll see in WordPress 6.0.

1. Quick Shortcut to Add Internal Links

You can now quickly add links by adding two square brackets followed by the post or page title. It’s much faster than clicking a button.

Add link shortcut

2. Select Multiple Blocks in List View

With WordPress 6.0, you can now select multiple blocks in the list view. Plus, you can use Shift+Click or Shift+Up+Down to select multiple adjacent blocks in the list view.

Move multiple blocks

After selecting them, you can now also move them up or down or perform other actions.

3. Border for Columns Block

You can now add a border around the column block.

Border around columns block

4. Spacing for Gallery Images

Galleries can now be manually adjusted to have as much spacing as you need between thumbnails.

Gallery spacing

5. Choose the Opacity of the Separator Block

The color options in the separator block can now have gradients and opacity control.

Separator block opacity

Accessibility Improvements in WordPress 6.0

One of the core missions of WordPress is to democratize publishing for all. Each WordPress release brings improvements to the core software to make it more accessible for all users.

Following are some of the more notable accessibility improvements in WordPress 6.0.

  • The post title will be used as the ALT text for featured images if no other ALT text is provided
  • Better tabbing in blocks with placeholder elements
  • Search announcements in block search
  • Read description for blocks with a placeholder setup
  • Admin bar text labels will be readable by screen readers on smaller screens
  • More descriptive announcements for screen readers when a draft is saved

Copy Image URL from Media Library List View

If you view your media library in the list view, then you can now see a ‘Copy URL to clipboard’ link below each image and media file.

Copy URL to clipboard

Under the Hood Improvements in WordPress 6.0

WordPress 6.0 comes with several important changes for developers. Following are a few of the developer changes.

  • Webfonts API will provide theme authors a more efficient way to manage local fonts via PHP or theme.json.
  • An API to prevent blocks from appearing on Widgets screen.
  • Make get_the_author_link pluggable.
  • Improved sticky post query.
  • New filter edit_custom_thumbnail_sizes to work with individual image sizes.

Why Should I Use WordPress?

Building a website has never been easier, thanks to the modern Content Management System (CMS). Using the right platform, you’ll get access to functionality that can make the process much simpler. There are lots of CMSs to choose from, however, each with its pros and cons.

It’s no big secret that we’re huge fans of WordPress and for good reason. In fact, the majority of CMS users select it as their platform of choice, which makes WordPress the world’s most popular website platform.

1. It’s Open-Source Software

The term open-source software gets thrown around a lot in development circles, but it may not tell you much if you’re not a part of that world. For practical purposes, it means two things:

  1. The platform is free. Open-source software is free, which means you can use it for any type of project you want, be it commercial or otherwise.
  2. You can customize it any way you like. With WordPress, you can look under the hood of the CMS and change just about any aspect of it.

2. It’s the World’s Most Popular CMS

There are millions of websites out there, and WordPress powers more than 30% of them. Every day, over 500 new sites using WordPress go live, and those numbers are only getting larger.

With such a massive user base, you can be sure that WordPress’ developers aren’t going to stop developing it any time soon. That means choosing this CMS ensures you’ll always have access to updates that make your site more secure and add new features to it.

Plus, there’s a robust community of developers working within the WordPress ecosystem. For example, there are more than 55,000 plugins you can access for free at WordPress.org.

3. You Can Use WordPress for All Types of Projects

You might have heard that WordPress is a blogging platform. That’s not technically false, but the way the CMS is built also means you can use it for all sorts of projects.

For example, you can use WordPress to grow your business, build virtual classrooms, create forums, run social media platforms, or power pretty much any other type of project you can imagine. If you own a small business, you can even set up an online store with WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin.

4. Learning How to Use WordPress Is Simple

WordPress is pretty easy to pick up, even if you’ve never dealt with a CMS or built websites before. Beginners are welcome! To get started, all you have to do is select a theme, maybe install a plugin or two, and then jump right into creating pages and other content.

However, the great thing about WordPress is that there are always more ways you can customize the platform. Once you get the hang of it, you can start implementing more advanced functionality to gain full control over how your site looks.

Even for experienced web developers, WordPress has plenty to offer. It provides a foundation you can iterate on more quickly, which is far more efficient than trying to build a site from scratch.

5. There’s a Huge, Friendly WordPress Community

We already talked about just how popular WordPress is in numbers. However, it’s also worth mentioning that there’s a thriving community of people who use the platform (and not just developers).

To give you an idea of what’s out there, take a look at WordCamps. These are worldwide events where you can sign up to network with other WordPress enthusiasts, and listen to some of the most experienced people in the field.

6. WordPress Enables You to Scale Your Website

One of the most challenging aspects of running a website is scaling it. The more content you publish and the more traffic you get, the bigger the strain becomes on your CMS.

Choosing a quality web host is key to scaling your website and making sure it always feels fast. However, the CMS you use also plays a significant role. WordPress, for example, powers some of the most popular sites on the web, so you know in advance that scaling won’t be an issue.

Keep in mind, though — if you want to keep your website blazing fast, you’ll need more than the right web host and CMS. You’ll also have to do some maintenance work, but the results are well worth the effort.

7. Themes and Plugins Give You Full Control Over Your Website

If you’re new to WordPress, you may not be familiar with the concept of plugins and themes. Let’s break down what both of them are:

  1. Themes: These are templates you can use on your website to alter its basic design.
  2. Plugins: These add new features and functionality to your site.

As we mentioned before, there are thousands of plugins and themes (both free and premium) available for WordPress.

8. WordPress Websites Are Easy to Maintain

One thing you may not be aware of if you’ve never set up a website before is that they require a bit of maintenance work. With WordPress in particular, you have to stay on top of the following:

  • Updating the CMS as new versions come out
  • Updating your plugins and themes whenever you have the option to
  • Managing your site’s comments (if you choose to enable them)
  • Ensuring that your website is fully optimized and secure
  • Backing up your site often

In practice, none of those tasks should take up too much of your time individually. However, if you want to save time, you can always opt for a managed hosting service.

9. You Can Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about making sure your website gets the traffic it deserves from the likes of Google, Bing, etc.

There are a lot of things you can do to work on your site’s SEO. However, depending on which platform you use, optimizing your content for search engine results can either be simple or an uphill battle.

With WordPress, you get access to a lot of powerful SEO plugins, such as Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack, The SEO Framework, and more.

10. WordPress Takes Security Seriously

No CMS or website is 100% secure. New security threats are always popping up, so it’s essential to use a platform that takes online safety seriously.

If you want to run a tight ship, the single best thing you can do is make sure WordPress is always up to date. That includes the CMS itself, as well as any additional components you use (such as themes and plugins).

WordPress is always pushing out new updates and security patches, so by updating your version, you’ll be a step ahead of everyone else. If you want to secure your website even further, you can look into using a web host that takes security seriously.

There are a lot of additional steps you can take to secure your site as well, including enforcing strong passwords and implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). However, all that effort might go to waste if you use a platform that’s not secure out of the box.

11. You Own Your Website and Its Content

WordPress is what’s called a “self-hosted” CMS. That means you can take the software and set it up on any server you want to use to power your website.

The advantage of this approach is that you’re not tied to a single hosting platform. With a hosted platform, the provider can always suspend your account for one reason or another.

With WordPress, on the other hand, you can switch hosts at any time. You can also make any changes you want to the CMS, and you have full ownership of all the content you create.

12. It’s the Industry’s Best Option for Blogging

So far, we’ve talked about all the uses for WordPress beyond blogging. However, we’d be remiss if we didn’t emphasize just how great an option WordPress is for blogs.

At its core, WordPress still has blogging at heart. That means it’s easy to publish new content, manage it, keep track of comments, format your text, and more.

Despite its “age,” WordPress continues to innovate. In 2019 its developers launched the new Block editor, which completely overhauls the blogging and editing experience. With the new editor, you get full control over your page and post layouts, which can make for visually stunning blogs.

Cheap Recommended WordPress 6.0 Hosting Provider

ASPHostPortal Windows Hosting is 100% Compatible with WordPress 6.0

As a technology focused web host, ASPHostPortal's web hosting packages are designed to support popular web development technologies. Windows and WordPress 6.0 hosting are at the core of their business practice. ASPHostPortal has over 10 years combined experience in .NET, PHP, Network Administration, System Integration and related technologies to support mission critical hosting for applications built on these platforms.

ASPHostPortal is Microsoft No #1 Hosting Partner

ASPHostPortal.com is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to ASPHostPortal.com for ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, ASP.NET 5, ASP.NET MVC 6, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch.

ASPHostPortal WordPress 6.0 Hosting is Affordable

With regard to the Windows hosting packages, ASPHostPortal.com releases eight plans called Host Intro, Host One until Host Seven at the prices of $1.00/mo, $5.00/mo until $70.00/mo. Three billing cycles with different prices are available. For instance, the prices of the primary plan are rated at $5.00/mo for 3-year term, $6.00/mo for 1-year term and $8.00/mo for 3-month term.

ASPHostPortal WordPress 6.0 Hosting Speed and Uptime

ASPHostPortal reaches its 100% guarantee perfectly reaching its uptime guarantee. The success of ASPHostPortal results from its world-class data centers, latest technologies and many engineers’ commitments.

ASPHostPortal has multiple data centers in (US (Washington & Seattle), Netherlands (Amsterdam), Singapore, Hong Kong, United Kingdom (London), Australia (Melbourne), France (Paris), Germany (Frankfurt), Italy (Milan), India (Chennai), Canada (Toronto), Brazil (Sao Paulo)).You can be rest assured that your websites or dedicated servers are secured, managed and monitored in a state-of-the-art facility, and as a customer you have access to their engineers and the most reliable support team.

Cheap Recommended UK WordPress 6.0 Hosting Recommendation

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Their key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain their server uptime rate. They never ever happy to see your site goes down and they truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business.

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UKWindowsHostASP.NET is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Hosting in European Continent. Their service is ranked the highest top #1 spot in several European countries, such as: Germany, Italy, Netherlands, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and many top European countries.

Cheap Recommended India WordPress 6.0 Hosting Recommendation

WindowsASPNETHosting.IN is The Best India WordPress 6.0 Hosting

WindowsASPNETHosting.IN, one of the best WordPress 6.0 hosting provider in India. WindowsASPNETHosting.IN is an innovative web hosting brand which is tapped by a group of experienced developers. It has been devoting itself to providing unbeatable WordPress 6.0 hosting solutions for more than 10,000 websites all over the world, and enjoys high reputation from webmasters ranging from freelancers and small businesses to corporations and enterprises.

WindowsASPNETHosting.in Offers Uptime Guarantee

As the most reliable web hosting company, WindowsASPNETHosting.in guarantees at least 99.9% uptime, meaning that customers’ websites can be accessible at any time on the web. This is because the company uses 100% factory built and tested DELL servers, featuring SSD, RAID 5, 2x AMD Opteron 4226, and 32GB of RAM to maximize uptime to the largest extent.

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